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Found 30337 results for any of the keywords bs en iso. Time 0.008 seconds.
ARCs RVRCs SIA licence | ARC gold scheme | BS 5979 - NSINSI provides independent third-party certification for operators of Alarm Receiving Centres and Remote Video Response Centres. Find out more.
Specialist Services including Labour Provision (NCP 119) - NSINSI Specialist Services scheme covers a wide range of areas within Security Guarding, Cash and Specialist sectors, including labour provision.
Health safety/environmental management certification - NSIHealth Safety and Environmental Management are key considerations of buyers of security and fire safety services. NSI provides independent certification
Evacuation Alert Systems (BAFE Scheme) - NSIProfessional fire safety providers are now able to obtain Third Party Certification from the NSI for its Evacuation Alert Systems Scheme.
Cash Services - NSIOur scheme covers a wide range of areas within the Security Guarding, Cash and Specialist Services sectors.
BAFE fire safety schemes I third party certification - NSINSI is authorised to issue approval for the major BAFE fire safety schemes verifying your competence and compliance with industry standards. Apply now.
Electronic security systems schemes and accreditation - NSIPremium local providers nationwide installers of electronic security systems can benefit their clients and win more contracts with NSI certification. Apply now.
Approved Contractor Scheme | SIA approved contractor - NSINSI is a highly trusted respected Assessing Body for the SIA s Approved Contractor Scheme. Find out how your company can benefit from NSI.
Passport Route | Combine your NSI approval with SIA ACS statusYou can hold NSI Guarding Gold or Silver approval, alongside SIA Approved Contractor Scheme status through our Passport Route scheme. Find out more.
NSI approval schemes and third party certification - NSIFind out about NSI approval schemes for electronic security systems, fire safety and guarding and security services
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